Is Your School a Safe Green School Yet?

Sunday, June 14, 2009

WIFI in Schools? BBC News in London Sparks a Global Debate. . .

Just on the eve of a Court's landmark decision to award a Houston Public School District a $25 million judgement against the a Texas based Lighting & Power company to protect elementary school children from exposure to high levels of electromagnetic fields (EMF) or non-ionizing radiation from powerlines, the research team of Dr. George Carlo, PhD, JD linked the cause of autism to overexposure to electromagnetic field radiation coming from cell phones, masts, wireless, etc. The Jared's Law, in many states, is now challenged, to direct schools to measure and mitigate radation from both ionizing (Radon) in the airspace which can cause cancer as well as non-ionizing (EMF) from airspaces, school buses, computers, wireless technologies, energized machinery in shop laboratories, copy and fax machines, intercoms, school radio stations and phone systems that can cause alterations is a student's behavior, emotions, neuromuscular system, and learning. And, let's not forget the teachers that care for them. They are at risk too. Just prolonged exposure to non-ionizing radiation can cause heart failure and "stiff" muscles. They are getting sick too with dementia, fibromyalgia, Parkinson's Disease, diabetes, cancer, & lung disease. With the World Health Organization rendering ICD 9 & 10 codes to direct physicians in the diagnoses of "Electric Hypersensitivity and multiple chemical sensitivities"; OSHA mandating that Employers provide Employee with personal protective gear; and USA TODAY reporting that the air quality around almost every school, in some states, exposes students and school faculty to cancer causing chemical acids in addition to the radiation, Public Health Agencies predict a massive outcry from parents to request that Physicians write prescriptions for protective bio-shield personal wear for students and employees who use computers and energized machinery at school as well as the installation of venting technologies to remove greenhouse gases, industrial chemicals, and radiation from classrooms and office areas. Students and Faculty that are exposed to WIFI 5 hours a day for 5 days a week, have been exposed to high levels of non-ionizing radiation that is equal to 1600 x-rays of ionizing radiation per week. . . Schools across Europe are banding wireless in schools. Will schools in America follow? Thirty six Governor's and Mayors signed Proclamations to promote May 2009 as "Electro Magnetic Sensitivity and Multiple Chemical Sensitivity Awareness Month" . . . The MiChi Heath EpiCenter of MU at University Central offers health physicist training and certification for Doctors and Nurses to screen, evaluate and treat patient with risks for radiation poisoning from prolonged EMF exposure.

View the video news clip for more information at:

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